Your dream about beautiful smile
is an inspiration for us
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Resdent to najlepszy dentysta i najlepszy stomatolog. Stomatologia Resdent oferuje szeroki zakres usług, a w tym: protetyka, stomatologia zachowawcza, endodoncja. Dobry stomatolog to najlepszy gabinet dentystyczny Resdent.
Team, Safety, Gallery First visit, Anaesthetization, Prophylaxis, Preventive dentistry, Endodontics, Paediatric dentistry, Prothetics, Dental surgery, Periodontology, Tray-based teeth whiteningAt the Dental Clinic Resdent the patients may choose from a rich dental care offer, as regards treatment s of carious lesions. During the medical treatment we use the state-of art light-cured fillings of the renown manufacturers.
We do the following preventive, dental treatments:
Our offer of the preventive, dental treatments is directed both to the adults, youths and children.